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eZINE of Modern Texts in Translation


ISSN 1842-9149


Translation Café No 243.

                For almost a quarter of a century, ever since I founded them, Contemporary Literature Press, The MA Programme for the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text, and its eZine, Translation Café, have been translating Romanian Literature into English. We are publishing now a volume of fiction [fragments] by Emilia Poenaru Moldovan, translated into English by Tania Diniță, and revised by the English poet Marion Ashton.
              Christmas is near. I am hoping to offer this series of books as an editorial gift, a debut, to my younger colleagues, the future translators who are still students, as well as to the authors they will translate. May those graduates find a beautiful career in Romanian culture. Hopefully, these first books, which they have the opportunity of publishing while attending MTTLC, at our publishing house or translation magazine, will guide them towards the profession they desire.

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                De un sfert de veac, de când le–am înființat, Editura Contemporary Literature Press, Masteratul pentru Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan și revista acestuia, Translation Café, traduc literatură română în limba engleză. Masteranzii MTTLC au tradus poezie, dar și proză contemporană. Publicăm astăzi un volum de fragmente din opera Emilia Poenaru Moldovan, tradus în limba engleză de Tania Diniță, și stilizat de poeta engleză Marion Ashton.
              Public aceste volume cu dorința de a deschide un drum mai tinerilor mei colegi care studiază, sau au absolvit acest program masteral de traducere literară. Sper ca, acum, în apropierea Crăciunului, să le facem acest cadou editorial, atât lor cât și sciitorilor traduși de ei. Am demarat această serie de cărți în speranța că ele vor deschide micilor noștri masteranzi o posibilă carieră în lumea culturală românească.

Translation Café started in the year 2007, as the magazine of the MA Programme for the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text (MTTLC), at the University of Bucharest.

The eZINE consists of translations made by graduate students of MTTLC, as a prolongation of their activity in class. They are meant to give the graduates a taste of their future profession, and also to increase their sense of responsibility for a translation they sign under their own name. The result often goes into a volume published by Contemporary Literature Presshttp://editura.mttlc.ro/

The texts are translated from or into English, and belong to all literary genres – fiction, poetry, literary criticism, drama, essay. The focus is on Modern Literature, broadly meaning the 20th and the 21st centuries: Romanian, British, American among others.

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